Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Owen wants for his birthday: Diego backpack, Dora backpack, a puppy, & a present. Tonight we've sung "happy birthday" to Daddy, Spongebob, Spiderman, & Ian's Kitty Blanket.

Check out Owen's Halloween costume for this year!

I can't WAIT to post pictures of him in it!!!
Ok, I'm trying this out---posting on my blog via text!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I should be grading/VOTE FOR OWEN AND IAN!

However, I am not grading. I'm trolling for votes! Owen and Ian had their pictures taken in a contest to be on the cover of a local magazine, SE Parent. The kid w/the most votes wins that spot! The website is
You can only pick one, so I totally will not ask which you voted for. ;)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ok, so I slacked again.

Seriously. I am pathetic. School started and this is the first time in 2 years that I've been there for first quarter! Maternity leave w/Owen in 07, and same w/Ian in 08. So I'm relearning what I teach this semester.

Update on sleeping through the night: Literally, the night before the first day of school, I put Ian in his crib and left. I didn't come back. All attempts at Ferberizing failed miserably with this child--he would get all worked up every time I came in to 'reassure' him. So that night I just left. Perhaps it wasn't the kindest, but I tell you, a mommy w/o sleep who is suddenly faced w/summer being over and full-time work w/two under the age of three? That ain't kind, either! First night Ian cried 2 hrs then slept, waking up to cry for 20min or so a couple times. Next night was easier, third night darn near perfect.

Speaking of darn near perfect, Owen turns 3 next month! Aaaaaaahhh! He's my little verbal whiz, trying out new phrases and words all the time, sounding like an almost-4yo instead of almost-3yo. Sharp, too--doesn't miss a thing. Can't get anything past this kid!

Here are some pictures. I've been sick and this is the longest I've been upright in about 36 hrs, so adios for now.
Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker