Well, that new pack member is still here. He's been here for more than two weeks! We have never kept an extra pack member that long before. We are having trouble understanding why this little organism is above us in the pecking order. Didn't he arrive later than us? Isn't he smaller than us? Why does he rank so high?
So, we finally asked Mom yesterday, when are you taking this extra pack member to the Humane Society? That's what you do with all the other extras that show up here. Or maybe it's time to find him a new home, right? We have had extra animals here before, but they always find new homes. Can't we find him a new place to live? Please?
Although we do like getting his leftovers, and enjoy smelling his poopy diapers quite a bit, we feel he has overstayed his welcome and we would like an explanation.
Awwww... poor babies!
Dear Ellie and Josey,
This happened to us just 6 weeks ago! After some time, though, we've gotten used to this new squeeling creature. We pretend we're getting massages as he climbs over/under us. We have also taught him, much to mom and dad's surprise and anger, how to casually drop a little of this and that from the highchair. Food we've never had is now just falling from the sky like manna from heaven. You'll get used to him, don't worry. You may even find you like him.
Daisy and Sammie.
Too funny...maybe if they got more table food leftovers...no babyfood leftovers Owen would win them over??!!
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