--Pull up on anything of the right height
--Walk w/a baby walker--he's soooooo proud!
--Dance when there's music on
--Say kitty, mama, dada, ball, bus, bath (debatable), maybe dog
--Try to say Grandpa--mutters under his breath, "Am-pa, am-pa..." to practice
--Can sign eat, milk, all done, and more, and is working on light, cheese, thank you, and mine
--Laugh hysterically at his parents' apparently OUTSTANDING funniness
--Attempt to stand up in the bathtub, and understand when I tell him, "Sit down, please,"--he does it, and looks at me like, "Hm...I did it this time. Should I push it?" and then he pushes it. heh heh. In fact, he watches me AS he starts to pull up to see IF I make him sit down again. !!
--Hold his regular cup and drink out of it by himself (but it's more fun to spill it)
--"Pet" the dogs, and he knows when I say 'be nice' to tone it down (from yanking on and biting tails, to wild patting instead)
--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAs at the Christmas Tree!
--Point out the 'truck' in one of his books when prompted
--Has four teeth coming in at once!
--Cause his already-tired parents to run around like maniacs, entertaining him with the "Owen Parade" (ask his Aunt Shawnna), chasing him through the various rooms of the house, making him 'fly,' pretending to run into walls because he thinks it's hilarious, etc.
--Make our lives happier than EVER!